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Our stories

Read a collection of stories and learn from the perspectives and experiences of our City Year AmeriCorps members, students, partners and alums.

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Students and AmeriCorps member
Advancing equity and social-emotional learning through relationships
December 17, 2019

City Year and Search Institute have been working together since 2017 to explore how City Year AmeriCorps members in Columbus,…

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City Year AmeriCorps members facilitate Hour of Code for students
City Year shares the adventure of coding through Hour of Code
December 10, 2019

City Year, Hour of Code and digital learning opportunities City Year is sharing fun and engaging Hour of Code activities…

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Jim Balfanz, President and CEO of City Year
Our Alumni
James A. Balfanz Announced as City Year CEO
December 6, 2019

Please join us in congratulating Jim Balfanz on his appointment as CEO of City Year.

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Our Impact
Giving Tuesday – One Pie = One Step Towards Student Progress
December 5, 2019

After a plate full of turkey on Thanksgiving and finding big-box deals on Black Friday comes the national day of giving…

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Benefits & Resources
Tasty, healthy and inexpensive recipes specially for AmeriCorps
December 3, 2019

Cooking healthy, delicious and affordable meals on a budget is easy. Read on for five great recipes made with AmeriCorps…

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City Year AmeriCorps member in library with student
Literacy and lifelong learning at City Year: 21 Books to gift this holiday season
November 26, 2019

Books form the backbone of our conversations, interactions and the collaborative learning experiences that bind us to one another. This…

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Benefits & Resources
Five free things to do in Columbus
November 20, 2019

City Year offers its members countless valuable personal and professional opportunities. From developing interpersonal skills to making connections within a…

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Our Alumni
Leader for Life: City Year Milwaukee alum Kiesha Johnnies

Alum Kiesha Johnnies proudly served with City Year Milwaukee’s founding corps in 2010, serving a year in the city she…

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City Year AmeriCorps member Kristina Stamm
Our Impact
Reflections on the start of service at City Year

Learn more about serving with City Year AmeriCorps as a student success coach tutoring and mentoring students.

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AmeriCorps member is on playground with students while they play
Elevating student voice through the HSA
November 13, 2019

Honoring, engaging and elevating student voice is central to City Year’s Whole School, Whole Child work in schools. Learn more…

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Our Alumni
Care Force Alumni Spotlight: Ken Wakwe

Introducing Ken Wakwe! We were able to have a chat with Ken Wakwe and talk about his service with City Year. We talked to him about his recent roles and how he uses…

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Shannon Luby greets students
Our Impact
Starting the School Day Strong: Power Greeting Promotes Attendance and a Positive School Environment
November 7, 2019

Each weekday, I wake up promptly at 5:30 am. I start my day with a nice cup of coffee and…

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National Strategic Partners
National Partners