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Taco Bell Live Más Scholarship: Tips and Tricks

Taco Bell’s Live Más Scholarship application is now open until Jan. 3, 2023, and young adults ages 16-24—including City Year AmeriCorps members—are eligible to apply!

If you’re wondering how to make your application stand out, we have some exclusive tips. We recently had the opportunity to talk to Andrew German, Live Más Scholarship Coordinator and past Live Más scholarship recipient, to learn how to give your application an edge.

In case you missed the recent webinar, here is a recap of what we learned!

What is the Live Más Scholarship?

Unlike traditional scholarships, the Taco Bell Live Más Scholarships are not awarded on scholastic excellence, superior standardized test scores, or extracurricular achievement. They are awarded to “passioneers,” innovators, creators and dreamers who influence their peers and passionately blaze their own paths.

Who is Eligible?

· A legal resident of the United States

· Between the ages of 16 – 24 (minors must receive consent from a parent/legal guardian to apply)

· On track to apply for or enroll in an accredited post-high school/postsecondary education program such as a two-year or four-year college or vocational/technical/trade school.

· If you are currently serving as a City Year AmeriCorps member, you can still apply and defer your scholarship to fall 2024!

How to Apply? Think short video!

The Live Más scholarship takes a new, unique approach to the application process. Forget paper and online applications – the Live Más scholarship application is based on a video submission between 30 seconds and two minutes in length.

Using your passion and talents to change the world

If filmmaking isn’t your forte, don’t stress! Andrew says that the committee is more interested in learning about you and your passions, not whether you are destined to become the next Greta Gerwig. You can even create a Canva slideshow with a voice-over to avoid talking to yourself in front of a camera if you would like. Andrew stressed that they want to see your passion in action. If you are a dancer, DANCE! If you want to share your passion for service with City Year – Highlight your “Why.”

red jacket

Curious about what serving with City Year as a student success coach is all about? Find out what you can expect—including access to exclusive benefits and scholarships!

Here are some other questions to consider answering in your video:

· What postsecondary education program, college, or certificate/degree program are you or will you attend?

· How will following your passion impact your local community or the world?

· If awarded the scholarship, how will you achieve your passion through your educational goals?

· What is next for you?

Want more exclusive tips? Check out the recording of the Live Más webinar.

As always, City Year thanks Taco Bell for being one of our national partners and supporting our work in schools!

Apply here!

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