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City Year AmeriCorps members support each other

As we step into AmeriCorps Appreciation Week (March 10-16, 2024), which City Year celebrates all month long, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the meaningful work done day in and day out by our talented City Year AmeriCorps members. We usually highlight how much City Year staff and school partners appreciate our corps’ work with students, helping them achieve their personal and academic goals.

But this year, we’d like to highlight how corps members appreciate each other. Service can be challenging—corps members work long hours and don’t always get the opportunity to see the seeds they planted in students’ lives grow. Yet, through the ups and downs, corps members often cite their teammates as a crucial source of encouragement, positivity, and inspiration that keeps them centered and motivated.

Check out how these currently serving City Year Sacramento AmeriCorps members thoughtfully acknowledge their teammates’ positive impact on their teams and students.

Brian Ortiz is learning about himself through others

“[One] meaningful part of service is my connection with my team. My team has allowed me to express myself authentically, and I think I can learn more about myself through others.

“[Working on a team] requires a lot of self-reflection and self-awareness. I’ve learned from my teammates how to be a more authentic person and be a helpful role model to students. They have shown me [how to be] respectful to both students and the classroom management styles.”

Dani Martinez is building friendships worth remembering

“One thing I can say that would encourage future corps members to join would be the memories you would make with your team. They’re memories that you will always keep with you. A lot of teamwork is put into [the experience], and your friendships with your team are really rewarding.”

Debbie Davis is getting energy and insight from her teammates

“Serving in a team has been beneficial for me. If I did this alone, I would be more mentally exhausted and less creative. Being able to talk to my teammates and discuss solutions to different problems, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from their perspectives helps me solve challenges that [come with service].”

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Want to know more about what it’s like to work on a team of committed young people? Read on to learn more!

Kyerah Kyles appreciates her teammates’ unique qualities

“Something that I appreciate about [my teammate] José is that even when he’s having a rough day or trying to help his students with an intense situation, he’s always calm and levelheaded. One thing I appreciate about [my teammate] Dani is how much she gives to her students. Just seeing how dedicated she is to her students has been heartwarming. Another thing I appreciate is my teammate Savannah’s ability to adapt to different personalities, especially when it comes to her students.”

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     Learn about the benefits and resources of serving with City Year.

Rogelio Calixto-Chavez is inspired by his teammate

“I appreciate my teammate and the energy she brings to the team every morning. She always comes in—a ball of energy—and makes everyone on the team laugh and smile, which is needed to get through the long days!”

We thank our nearly 2,000 AmeriCorps members for their service!

AmeriCorps members are at the heart of this organization. The City Year community—staff, alums, partners, investors, and teammates—could not do this work without your commitment to our students and communities.

As you head into the last few months of service, we are continually inspired by your empathy, kindness, and willingness to serve with an open heart.

Happy AmeriCorps Appreciation Month! We thank you!

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