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Our stories

Read a collection of stories and learn from the perspectives and experiences of our City Year AmeriCorps members, students, partners and alums.

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HMH Bookshelf
Our Impact
HMH (Orlando, FL) 2019
February 20, 2020

Read about the Care Force trip alongside HMH in Orlando, FL

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A partner teacher at one of our LA schools.
City Year Los Angeles Teacher Spotlight- Part 2
February 19, 2020

Today we are spotlighting Ms. Tellez who has been teaching for 34 years at 93rd St. Elementary School, keep reading…

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La'Daja Miller
The Corps
AmeriCorps Member Spotlight: Meet La’Daja Miller
February 17, 2020

Meet La’Daja Miller Everyone decides to do a year of service for a different reason. For me, I chose to…

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The Corps
Team Care Force: Holiday Edition

There’s a popular phrase about how hindsight is 2020, but now, so is the present! (Cue all the 2020 vision…

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Alphabet signs displayed in the classroom.
Our Impact
Teacher appreciation: Meet Mr. Morris
February 15, 2020

Typically, when individuals are asked about the best teacher they had, they think of an actual teacher they had when…

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Our Alumni
Care Force Alumni Spotlight: Emily Kean
February 14, 2020

Introducing Emily Kean We are really thankful to have been able to have a chat with Emily Kean and talk…

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Benefits & Resources
Three hot housing tips for prospective AmeriCorps members

Here are some tips and suggestions from a City Year Milwaukee AmeriCorps member’s experience of searching for housing in their…

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A partner teacher at one of our schools.
City Year Los Angeles Teacher Spotlight
February 12, 2020

City Year AmeriCorps members work side-by-side in collaboration with their partner teachers to fully support their students in the classroom. We are…

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Our Impact
Akin Gump in Action (East Harlem, NY) 2019

Akin Gump in Action Chronicle (East Harlem, NY) 2019 “Oh my goodness! I get to go to New York?!” I…

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A walkie talkie and a carpenter square sit on several piles of lumber.
Our Impact
AT&T Impact Day (Trenton, NJ) 2019

AT&T #attimpact Day Chronicle (Trenton, NJ) 2019 Following our event in Miami, we had a few days in the office…

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Our Alumni
Care Force Alumni Spotlight: Warren Basla

All the way from the city of Norristown, Pennsylvania, Warren Basla served in City Year Philadelphia at Universal Daroff Charter…

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Our Impact
AT&T Impact Day (Redmond, WA) 2019

AT&T Impact Day Chronicle (Redmond, WA) 2019 When I accepted my position on Team Care Force (TCF), I knew that…

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National Strategic Partners
National Partners